1. The unique hoist design with braked gearbox which provides significantly enhanced load security, reliability and maintainability compared to braked motor hoists.
2. No external hoist gears.
3. No external trolley gears.
4. Long life guide rollers on single beam trolley eliminate wheel flange wear.
5. Reaction roller eliminates the need for a hoist counterweight on single beam cranes.
6. Choice of advanced control system.
7. Heavy duty double band rope guide provides improved reliability.
8. Patented safe load cut-out device prevents overloading.
9. Adjustable DC disc brakes on travel and traverse motions for controlled braking.
10. Lifetime cost of ownership is the intelligent comparison and ZX technology is designed to give reduced service and maintenance costs. ZX open plan hoist design reduces the time and costs of maintenance and service tasks because they can be executed without dismantling the hoist: